Leafcutter Bee Chalet – Starter Kit

Leafcutter Bee Chalet – Starter Kit

Leafcutter Bee Chalet 1


  • Leafcutter Bee Chalet
  • X 40 Easy Tear 6mm Nesting Tubes
  • Leafcutter Bee Cocoons
  • Leafcutter Bee Chamber (Storage pot)

Upon receiving your Leafcutter Bee Chalet – Starter Kit. Look for a suitable site to position you’re Leafcutter Bee Chalet:

Location, Location, Location

1) Your bees will like to wake up in a warm house (who doesn’t). Position your house on a wall or structure that gets the warmth of early morning sun and not where it can get too hot during the day, a bit of afternoon shade is preferable. Your bees will pollinate earlier in the day and later into the evening as the house stays warm.

2) Mount the Chalet on a stable surface (wall or fence) surface, about head height using the screw provided. (So you can watch bee activity).

Nesting Tubes

Place the nesting tubes in the upper triangular area of the Chalet, ensuring all open ends of the Easy Tear nesting tubes are facing out. (If the tubes are a little loose consider adding a few small twigs into the spaces to secure the tubes tightly in place)

Leafcutter Bee Cocoons

Your leafcutter bee cocoons will arrive already in their leafcutter bee chamber (Storage pot). Remove the green label from the front exposing the hole in the front of the chamber.

Place the leafcutter bee chamber into the large hole in the front of the Chalet.

Additional Information:

Your leafcutter bees will begin to emerge dependent on your geographic location and climatic conditions. Leafcutter Bees generally begin to emerge anytime between November and early January. They will begin to exit from the leafcutter bee chamber and during the following days will begin nesting in the tubes.

For further information on gentle natured bees:

Visit our NEW Initiative www.BeeGAP.co.nz – Gardeners –Adding – Pollinators

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