Having trouble with your vegetable and fruit plants failing to produce or your summer flower garden not looking to bright?

If you are having trouble with your vegetable and fruit plants failing to produce or your summer flower garden not looking to bright!… The chances are that your plants are lacking  pollinators. Without insect pollination, many food plants that we grow in our gardens cannot complete the pollination process and therefore will not produce fruits or vegetables or our flowers beautiful blooms!

All plants require pollination in order to make seeds and fruit, but sometimes either Mother Nature or even we gardeners can prevent plants that need pollinators from getting the pollination that they need.Gardeners Pollination Package Deal

Unfortunately, many things can interrupt the insect pollination process. Too much rain or too much wind can keep pollinators from being able to reach a plant and its flowers. As gardeners we may also be putting pesticides on their plants to keep away the damaging bugs, but these pesticides will also kill beneficial insects and keep them out of the garden as well.

For urban gardeners who may be gardening in small or confined areas encouraging our, insect pollinators by providing suitable habitat is of major importance to the success of our vegetable and flower gardens!

Bumble Bee Nesting Box

Leafcutter Bee Cells

Female leafcutter bee cutting a small piece of leaf to wrap around the brood cells in her nest in nearby trees, logs or old plant stems. Leafcutter bees are one of a huge diversity of native American bees that you can easily attract to your wildlife garden. Photo by Bernhard Plank (Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.)