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Bird Feeders

Raised Dog Feeder (Extra Large)

Raised Dog Feeder (Extra Large)
Raised Dog Feeder (Extra Large) Raised Dog Feeder (Extra Large) Raised Dog Feeder (Extra Large)
Brand: Creative Woodcraft
Product Code: Raised Dog Feeder
Reward Points: 7
Availability: Pre-order (7-21 days)
Price in reward points: 300
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Healthy Benefits for Your Dog This raised dog feeder is suitable for Extra Large (Giant Breed) Sized Dogs.

See image of how to measure your dog for the correct sized feeder.***

The benefits of such dog feeders - particularly elevated dog feeders - include the following, which are extremely important, and highly acknowledged by veterinarians and other dog experts.

  • Cleanliness and hygiene
  • Comfort - especially in the case of dogs with back or neck problems
  • Ease of swallowing

Elevated dog feeders are also much more comfortable and pleasant for dogs who are older, with arthritis, have bad backs, or joint or muscular pain. For a dog with stiff or sore muscles or joints, bending down to eat can be uncomfortable or painful. This may cause them to eat less, decreasing the amount of nutrition they are taking in. By raising the food and water to the appropriate level with elevated dog feeders, eating and drinking is more successfully encouraged.

Finally, there is a bonus advantage to dog feeders…as the owner, you won't need to bend down to pick up empty or put down full food dishes. If bending causes you discomfort, you'll certainly see as many advantages to elevated dog feeders as your dog!

These feeders are built one at a time, unlike mass produced feeders. The timber used in our raised dog feeders are 3/4 inch pine providing a strong structure and reliability over time. These feeders come finished in a durable polyurethane varnish. All our feeders include X 2 high quality 3 quart stainless steel dog bowls. Our feeders arrive at your home fully assembled and ready to use.


***For all dog feeder in excess of 30cm in height...... please contact us with your dogs height as per the image above) as we will custom build your feeder to your dogs height!

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