Home Garden Hives - live bumble bees delivered straight to your door. Available all year round. This small home garden hive contains a queen and approximately 50 to 60 workers and one healthy queen ready for release in YOUR garden. The home garden hive is NOT weatherproof and needs to be placed under cover i.e. in a greenhouse OR place it inside a Bumble-A-Bode
Home Garden Hive – Once in position, the Bumble Bee Hive can survive for between 8-12 weeks during which time the population increases to 200 / 300 bees. They can be observed going about their work, as they bring pollen back to the hive. The small home garden hive has been designed to educate as well as pollinate and features a clear viewing panel, so you can observe the colony as it develops. Bumblebees are released through an easy to use trap door system, which is very safe to use PLUS it can also be used to hold bees in the hive if it needs to be moved to a new position i.e. if you want to move it from a greenhouse out into the garden. After 8-12 weeks the queen bee dies, but before she does, she produces young queens that will leave the hive consider placing a few
wooden bumble bee nesting boxes around your garden to offer an attractive habitat for these young queens to set up home. As winter approaches queens will hibernate before establishing fresh new colonies in the following spring. The whole process can then be repeated if required with a fresh hive.
Bumble Bees Delivered Straight to your Door. Introduce bumble bees to your garden just when you want them. Imagine the increased and improved pollination of your flowering fruit trees, vege and flower gardens. Increase your yield and increased pollination for you and your community... Its a Win Win situation!