Siting your bumblebee nest box
It is preferable to position your NZ handcrafted newly purchased Bumble Bee Nesting Box from Creative Woodcraft, by early spring, even though some queens will not emerge from hibernation until later. Avoid placing it in direct sun, and try to keep it sheltered from the wind. A hedge bottom, raised bank, under a garden shed are all good places.
If you have purchased a bumble bee nesting box and have followed the advice above and still have had no success, then don’t give up!!
Leave your box out all winter. A mouse may nest in it. If in the spring you find no trace of occupancy of any kind then it is probably not well sited. If you do find traces of a mouse or such like then this is a good sign. Keep any bits of bedding, and add a little more if you think it is needed.
A successfully occupied bumble bee nesting box
If your bumble bee nesting box was successful last year it can still be used again. There is very little you need to do. Just check it out and remove any bits of debris and any dead bees that the scavengers haven’t cleared away. Add more nest material if necessary, and that’s it!